Do you think there are aliens at Area 51?

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Do you think there are aliens at Area 51?

Post by JamesW »

Do you believe that there are aliens at Area 51? I remember reading a story online years ago, and I heard they found an alien's body and it's in Area 51. But, could it be possible for there to be living aliens there?

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Re: Do you think there are aliens at Area 51?

Post by Micky »

I think so, because why else would they be so secretive? Even if there was military secrets over there, I feel like they should reveal to us what is over there.

I feel like there are aliens there, or maybe alien life. For all we know, the aliens could be alien parasites or animals not like humans. But I think it would be so awesome to see what is going on in Area 51. But I doubt that would ever happen.
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Re: Do you think there are aliens at Area 51?

Post by ricky1874 »

I believe that years ago there might have been alien life-forms at the base, but now I don't think there are any there. But, I do believe the base is still used for some type of secret technology.
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Re: Do you think there are aliens at Area 51?

Post by dave362 »

I think there are probably still some unusual out of this world things going on at area 51 because it is still heavily guarded. As for I don't think so
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Re: Do you think there are aliens at Area 51?

Post by dottie »

I actually believe that there are, there are a lot of rumors and articles about it. It's also on a restricted area that's guarded, and a lot swear that aliens are in there, so I believe it.
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Re: Do you think there are aliens at Area 51?

Post by kingsnite »

I hope so. I really like the concept of us having contact with aliens and that's why technology has advanced so much in recent years.
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Re: Do you think there are aliens at Area 51?

Post by rnastee »

Yes I believe so. I believe that a vast majority of our modern-day technology is probably from alien technology.
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Re: Do you think there are aliens at Area 51?

Post by jeremydeth »

Of course I do! I still remember years ago when the government had to finally admit there was actually an "Area 51" (they were sued). Before then, the government had denied there was even a place like that. So, why would they go through all that trouble if there was nothing there all along?
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