Weird bird disease?

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Weird bird disease?

Post by mystix71 »

Has anyone else noticed this where they live?

There is a weird bird disease going around that is causing birds to go blind and eventually die. People who study this stuff believe it to be highly contagious and they were actually telling people in my area not to put out bird feeders for a while to help keep birds from coming into too close of contact with each other. They don't know where it came from or why it started. It started back in July. That is when I first heard about it.

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Re: Weird bird disease?

Post by ricky1874 »

This is the first time I ever heard about this. I just did a google search and came across this article. They still don't really know what the cause was. ... rd-deaths/
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Re: Weird bird disease?

Post by breezy »

Yeah, I heard about this because my mom always has feeders up. Luckily I don't think it spread to our neck of the woods but it's still weird either way. Really makes you wonder what's out there and being spread around.
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Re: Weird bird disease?

Post by kingsnite »

This is scary now that I've heard about it. With the arrival of Covid-19 it does make you more aware of all the different viruses out there. What's really scary is knowing that this virus could maybe cross over to humans.
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Re: Weird bird disease?

Post by Mildredtabitha »

I think that mysterious disease could have something to do with covid. Maybe that is the effect of covid in birds. Since it's a new virus that has not been well studied.

I haven't had of such a case in my country. But I'm aware that there is also bird flu that is making birds to suddenly fall and die. Could they be falling because the virus is making them blind?
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