Believe the Jersey Devil to be real?

The discussion of cryptozoology - the study of and search for animals and especially legendary animals (such as Sasquatch) usually in order to evaluate the possibility of their existence
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Believe the Jersey Devil to be real?

Post by Micky »

I've heard a lot of horror stories about the Jersey Devil. I think I even watched a documentary about him. I think there was another similar doc about him, where it was rumored that he attacked at a tunnel or something. I forget what the doc was called, but I could be confusing it with another urban legend.

Anyway, do you believe the Jersey Devil to be real?

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Re: Believe the Jersey Devil to be real?

Post by ricky1874 »

It could be real. You never know what kind of secret government experiment has escaped or if there was some strange mutation that happened. I always try to keep a open mind about topics like this
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Re: Believe the Jersey Devil to be real?

Post by davemre »

I don't think it was ever real. I think that it's just a urban legend pasted down for generations
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