Forbidden Technologies and The Silencing of Their Inventors

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Forbidden Technologies and The Silencing of Their Inventors

Post by alien_head »

Interesting video about the many different inventions and inventors in history and the reasons why the inventions were either stopped or never progressed to completion and widespread use.

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Re: Forbidden Technologies and The Silencing of Their Inventors

Post by ricky1874 »

When I was a kid back in the 80s, I remember watching a TV program talking about how by the year 2000 there would be no more gas powered vehicles. Everything would be electric. I always wondered why this never came to be. I guess I know now why.
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Re: Forbidden Technologies and The Silencing of Their Inventors

Post by jeremydeth »

I'm surprised that the X jet never took off in the commercial industry. Just imagine how useful it would be to someone with limited mobility. I know I would love to have one, especially if I was older and had trouble walking.
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Re: Forbidden Technologies and The Silencing of Their Inventors

Post by dave23 »

This video was informative. But, it does make you wonder about just how many other inventions like these that were suppressed and we never heard of before.
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Re: Forbidden Technologies and The Silencing of Their Inventors

Post by mr_iqman »

The suppression of technology dealing with vehicles using alternative fuels besides fossil fuels is understandable. The big oil companies have way too much to lose if consumers had an alternative besides oil and gas. Get for them but unfortunate for us 😕
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Re: Forbidden Technologies and The Silencing of Their Inventors

Post by Neilwade »

Babbage's Analytical Engine: Charles Babbage designed the Analytical Engine, considered the precursor to modern computers, in the 19th century. Despite his visionary concepts, Babbage faced funding difficulties and technical limitations that prevented the completion and widespread use of his invention
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