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Do the dead haunt you?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 10:50 pm
by iamawriter
Most of what we hear is one's imagination. We had this guy who had died and the family felt he was visiting them specially when they heard the sound of steps every night

It was said that if nails are hit on the grave the dead will not return. So one of the family members decided on this task and went to the cemetery late on night and with the help of a hammer hit nails on the grave but when he got up he felt that he was being pulled back. He got a heart attack and he died. The next day when his loved ones came there they saw that he had hit one of the nails along with his pant.

No dead pulled him back. Moral of the story analyse before believing anything

Re: Do the dead haunt you?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:54 am
by Mildredtabitha
I have watched several horror movies that are believed to be true. When the movie starts you can see that it is based on a true story, some are about demon possession and all that stuff. I can believe that there is some truth in that in some way but I still don't understand how it happens. I have also heard from my friends stories of people who where pissed and they can sleep walk and do crazy things and they don't even realize it.

Re: Do the dead haunt you?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 1:15 pm
by jasmine
What a coincidence. I was also told the same story by a teacher when I was a seventh-grader. A man nailed his clothes and thought the dead were pulling him. Looks like this story is circulating in different cultures and countries.
No, the dead do not haunt me, but I think the spirit is on loose after a person dies.