Would you stay the night in a haunted house?

Discuss ghost stories and haunting events from your real life experience or events that you've heard about.
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Would you stay the night in a haunted house?

Post by Micky »

I would honestly try to stay the night in a haunted house. Has anyone here ever tried to stay in a haunted house in any place that may be considered haunted? I want to try staying the night in a haunted house, because I think it'd be fun to experience it all. Maybe to witness a ghost and see things I can't explain.

Have you ever been to a real haunted house or place? And if so, how was it?

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Re: Would you stay the night in a haunted house?

Post by ricky1874 »

I definitely would. I've been thinking about planning a trip to this haunted place called "Waverly Hill" in Louisville Kentucky. They offer tours and over night stays.
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Re: Would you stay the night in a haunted house?

Post by dave362 »

I don't think that my heart could take a stay in any kind of haunted place. Life is already stressful as it is, you don't need to add anymore stress to it.
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Re: Would you stay the night in a haunted house?

Post by dottie »

I don't think I would want to stay in a haunted house overnight, it can become rather scary and disturbing, and I would rather choose to have peace of mind as I am sleeping. I don't wanna see ugly or creepy creatures that would frighten me in the middle of the night.
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Re: Would you stay the night in a haunted house?

Post by kingsnite »

I would. Just to be proven wrong. I believe that most so called "Haunted Houses" are BS. Just something to get the tourist to come and visit. I would stay at one just to see if I am proven wrong.
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Re: Would you stay the night in a haunted house?

Post by redmoon »

Yeah I definitely would. In fact, I've looked into taking some trips to a few. I'm not sure I would get much sleep though, haha. I've thought before that I would just go ahead and get a hotel room nearby in case I couldn't handle it :lol:
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Re: Would you stay the night in a haunted house?

Post by davidworth »

Yes, I would if I had a few other friends to stay with me. And if it was like for documentary reasons. But staying by myself....I don't think so :lol:
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Re: Would you stay the night in a haunted house?

Post by rnastee »

I would have to think about it for a while. It would be easier to do it with a friend or 2. But in the end, I think I probably would do it. I mean...I don't really believe in ghosts so it shouldn't be that bad or scary.
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Re: Would you stay the night in a haunted house?

Post by dave23 »

I'm not sure about staying there, but it would be nice to be able to setup some cameras to see what kinds of activities you can capture. Maybe be able to observe it for at least a year to see if it's really haunted.
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