China’s military is leading the world in brain ‘neurostrike’ weapons

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China’s military is leading the world in brain ‘neurostrike’ weapons

Post by staarker »

According to a report by three analysts, China’s People’s Liberation Army is developing high-tech weapons designed to disrupt the brain and influence government leaders or even the entire population of the country.

The weapon can be used for direct attack or mind control using a microwave or other directed energy weapon placed on both a mobile and stationary platform.

“Unknown to many, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its People’s Liberation Army ( PLA ) have established themselves as world leaders in the development of neurostrike,” weapons according to the 12-page report, “Enumerating, Targeting and Collapsing the Chinese Communist Party’s Neurostrike Program.” A copy of the study was obtained by The Washington Times.

In December 2021, the U.S. Department of Commerce sanctioned the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences and 11 affiliated organizations that the department said were using “biotech processes to support the Chinese military’s efforts, including the development of alleged brain-controlled weapons.” However, there has been little public research or discussion regarding the PLA’s new forward military capability. ... e-weapons/

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Re: China’s military is leading the world in brain ‘neurostrike’ weapons

Post by mr_iqman »

When I hear stories like this, it makes me wonder what kinds of capabilities does the US have? Aren't we suppose to be the most powerful and advanced nation on Earth? People accuse the Chinese of stealing technology from us all the time.... maybe they stole this technology from us as well. Just something to think about.
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Re: China’s military is leading the world in brain ‘neurostrike’ weapons

Post by jasmine »

I have never heard of neurostrike weapons and everything sounds like a science fiction novel or sci-fi movie. However, I was interested if there are any supporting documents on this subject. Therefore, I googled and to my surprise, I found a lot of information online shared by reputed sources. Even the media houses like New York Times and CNN have covered this news. If that happens, there will be no one in the world except the Chinese.
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Re: China’s military is leading the world in brain ‘neurostrike’ weapons

Post by ricky1874 »

I still remember hearing about the cases of government officials suffering from these kinds of attacks from years ago when they were in Cuba. So, my guess is that a lot of other countries have this type of technology and are using it.
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Re: China’s military is leading the world in brain ‘neurostrike’ weapons

Post by davidworth »

There was a program on TV I watched awhile ago that talked about how the government was working on some type of device to cause a person to feel pain and discomfort in their heads. It was supposed to be used to break up riots and large gatherings of people.
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