COVID-19 Vaccine

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COVID-19 Vaccine

Post by blaqcrow »

I don't have any issue with the vaccine itself. I have been vaccinated. What I do have an issue with is how everything surrounding it is being handled.

I am sure most of you have heard all sorts of conspiracy theories about the vaccine but has anyone ever considered they are just using it as a means to control people? Like the vaccine itself is safe and everything but they are pushing for mandates in order to implement a social credit score in other countries like China has.

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Re: COVID-19 Vaccine

Post by jasmine »

I have been vaccinated, I do not think the government is trying to control people through vaccination. People cannot simply say my body, my choice, and skip vaccination because if you are not protected, you become a carrier of the virus and will go on infecting people. That's why the government wants its citizen to vaccinate.
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Re: COVID-19 Vaccine

Post by jesus721 »

I don't believe in any of the conspiracy theories about covid-19. I believe it is just a pandemic like the ones in the past that people needed to get vaccinated against
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Re: COVID-19 Vaccine

Post by Mildredtabitha »

I don't know why you call them conspiracy theories. What if they turn out to be true? I also don't understand why people should be forced to get it when American doctors are saying that it is not working. Fauci himself says the vaccine is not working. What about the reported vaccine injuries. Do you call that a conspiracy?
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