This Should Not Exist: The 100-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Human Finger
Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 4:03 pm
The oldest human fossil is 2.8 million years old, or so tells us mainstream anthropology. But this view is challenged by a number of finds that just don’t fit, such as this fossilized human finger that is believed to be 100 million years old.
The misfit fossil was discovered in the mid-1980s by a quarry owner in a gravel pile. The gravel and the fossilized finger had been quarried from a Cretaceous limestone formation in Texas.
Previous dinosaur fossils that had been dug up in the area showed the formation had an estimated age of around 100 million years. ... an-finger/
The misfit fossil was discovered in the mid-1980s by a quarry owner in a gravel pile. The gravel and the fossilized finger had been quarried from a Cretaceous limestone formation in Texas.
Previous dinosaur fossils that had been dug up in the area showed the formation had an estimated age of around 100 million years. ... an-finger/