Beyond Bigfoot and the Yeti: How Many Types of Mysterious Apes Are There?

The discussion of cryptozoology - the study of and search for animals and especially legendary animals (such as Sasquatch) usually in order to evaluate the possibility of their existence
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Beyond Bigfoot and the Yeti: How Many Types of Mysterious Apes Are There?

Post by staarker »

How many types of mysterious apes are there? it's hard to say for sure, but there's no doubt that things go way further than just Bigfoot and the Yeti - as you'll see now. We'll begin with Russia's Almasty: It should not come as a surprise to learn that the vast wildernesses, thick forests, and massive mountain ranges of Russia are home to Bigfoot-type beasts. They are known to the local folk as Almasty. For some researchers, the creatures are unknown apes. For others, they are nothing less than still-surviving pockets of Neanderthals. Both scenarios are amazing, in terms of their potential implications. But, whatever the true identity of the Almasty, there’s very little doubt that it exists. The sheer number of witness reports makes that very clear. The Almasty is a creature that has a long history attached to it, something which also adds to the likelihood of it being a genuine animal of very ancient proportions. ... re-There-/

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Re: Beyond Bigfoot and the Yeti: How Many Types of Mysterious Apes Are There?

Post by ricky1874 »

If you believe in evolution and have an open mind, you have to consider the idea that there are as advanced or more advance species on Earth than man. That's why I believe that the overall idea of Bigfoot(a big advanced primate) is true. But that doesn't mean I believe that all cases of Bigfoot are real. I still think that most are fake.
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