Bizarre Accounts of Mysterious Flying Serpents

The discussion of cryptozoology - the study of and search for animals and especially legendary animals (such as Sasquatch) usually in order to evaluate the possibility of their existence
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Bizarre Accounts of Mysterious Flying Serpents

Post by staarker »

In the world of mysterious undiscovered beasts we have creatures of all shapes and sizes, with some being more bizarre than others. One corner of cryptozoology that has quite a few rather strange stories is that of various flying, winged reptiles, which have popped up in numerous cultures across the world. Perhaps standing out among the oddest of these are the various accounts of flying snakes, and here we will delve into the weird world of such stories. ... -serpents/
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Re: Bizarre Accounts of Mysterious Flying Serpents

Post by ricky1874 »

When I was a kid years ago, I remember seeing a strange snake like bee flying with the rest of the bees near the flowers. The bee looked like a regular bee except it was curled up like a snake, but it still had bee wings and was hovering around the flowers. It was one of the strangest sights I've ever seen.
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Re: Bizarre Accounts of Mysterious Flying Serpents

Post by jasmine »

In every cultures and countries, some sort of mysterious creatures seem to have been in existence. There are people who claim to have seem them. However, I believe in most cases there seem to be hallucination or hoax.
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