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Pope Lick Monster: Goatman Or Ghost, Man?

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 3:44 pm
by staarker
According to legend, there exists a creature who is half-man, half-goat, living in the woods outside of Louisville, Kentucky. Locals call it the Pope Lick Monster, for it guards the Pope Lick train trestle with an array of supernatural powers including the ability to mimic, hypnotize and scramble the minds of its victims. ... stigation/

Re: Pope Lick Monster: Goatman Or Ghost, Man?

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 3:11 am
by ricky1874
This is the first time I heard about the Pope Lick Monster. It sounds a lot like the centaurs from Greek mythology that were half man and half horse. The more I hear about beings like this, the more I tend to believe they actually existed at one time.