Couple encounter creature with 'yellow eyes, huge teeth and an ear piercing howl' at Cannock Chase

The discussion of cryptozoology - the study of and search for animals and especially legendary animals (such as Sasquatch) usually in order to evaluate the possibility of their existence
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Couple encounter creature with 'yellow eyes, huge teeth and an ear piercing howl' at Cannock Chase

Post by staarker »

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A retired couple claim their evening stroll took a "terrifying" turn when they stumbled upon a creature with "yellow eyes", huge teeth" and an "ear-piercing howl". The beast was said to be "covered in hair like a giant wolf" but was "standing upright and sprinting around".

The eerie encounter happened on July 18 at Cannock Chase, a place described as "one of the UK's most paranormally-active locations". The couple had parked their car near the Pye Green water tower before wandering through the woods towards the German Military Cemetery.

The husband said there "wasn't anyone else around that evening", which he thought was "a little unusual". He said his wife had noticed a stale smell in the air, which became "stronger and stronger" as they neared the cemetery, sparking fears they were about to stumble upon a dear carcass.

He said: "As we stood facing into the graveyard, the smell was at its most powerful, and it was then that we both saw something in the distance moving between the gravestones. It must have been eight feet tall, and it was incredibly broad.

"The creature was covered in hair like a giant wolf or something, but it was standing upright and sprinting around. I said to my wife, rather loudly, 'What on earth is that?' The thing seemed to hear me. It turned around instantly and locked its eyes on us. They were big and yellow, and the creature had huge teeth, like nothing we'd ever seen before." ... s-29797522

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Re: Couple encounter creature with 'yellow eyes, huge teeth and an ear piercing howl' at Cannock Chase

Post by blaqcrow »

That would be terrifying to say the least. That fact that it wasn't just one person that saw it but two people is what makes me question what was going on here even more. I will typically throw one person's sighting out for something like this but when two people or a group of people see the same thing, we have to investigate it.
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