Chemtrail conspiracy theory

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Chemtrail conspiracy theory

Post by crazy_nut »

Has anyone heard of the "Chemtrail conspiracy theory" before? It's the belief that the trails left from flying crafts like airplanes have special chemicals in it and the government has something to do with it. Do you believe in this theory? I think it's interesting. I've never noticed these trails until I first started hearing about this theory.

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Re: Chemtrail conspiracy theory

Post by blaqcrow »

The plains that fly up high, that is exhaust fumes freezing due to pressure and temp changes being so high in the atmosphere. When you see them lower in the sky, you will see particles that dissipate quickly, those are actual chemtrails and it is a common practice to do this over crops (they drop pesticides), it is also called crop dusting. Another form is when they drop chemicals or poisons to reduce populations of insects. Many areas in the US do this for mosquitoes. Not good. Both are dangerous and both should be banned because they are toxic to us and animals. I think this conspiracy is a distraction from that stuff.
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