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Samsung engineers are going to copy the brain and transfer data to the drive

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 4:23 pm
by staarker
An article published in the journal Nature Electronics talks about the concept of creating an electronic brain.

It is planned to copy the neural connections of the brain using electrodes and transfer this data to a solid-state drive.

One of the authors of the development, Harvard University professor Don Hee Ham, explains that together with a colleague he developed an array of nanoelectrodes, with which they will try to create a map of neural connections.

A diagram of the interconnections of neurons is able to show the places of connections of nerve cells and the strength of such connections.

With successful experiments on “copying” brains, it will be necessary to transfer the data array of nerve cells to a storage device. Scientists explain that both solid-state media and ordinary flash cards can act as a drive.

It is important to develop a technique for accurately transferring the map of neural networks.

The development is carried out by specialists from Samsung Electronics and scientists from the Harvard Institute.

Scientists plan to create a special chip based on the copied brain. The innovation will help to reach unprecedented heights in the world of artificial intelligence. ... the-drive/

Re: Samsung engineers are going to copy the brain and transfer data to the drive

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 5:23 pm
by crazy_nut
This is absolutely amazing. This means that people will be able to live forever. Just imagine being able to live for thousands of years.

Re: Samsung engineers are going to copy the brain and transfer data to the drive

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 12:13 am
by kingsnite
With so many different organizations working on technology like this it's only a matter of time before it becomes reality. I just wonder if it will happen in my lifetime

Re: Samsung engineers are going to copy the brain and transfer data to the drive

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 7:03 am
by jasmine
I am not aware of Samsung trying to develop a technology where people could transfer brain data to an SSD. However, I know Neuralink Corporation, Elon Musk's company is also working on a similar idea. They say they have successfully implanted computer chip on animals and want to test in humans.