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Would you buy a haunted house?
Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:08 pm
by breezy
To piggy back off of another thread here, would you buy a haunted house? I would consider it. But before I bought anything, I'd have to do A LOT of research on what happened there at first and what stories people have dealing with the entity. I read an article earlier and it said out of 1000 people, 73% said they would at least consider it. So where do you stand?
Re: Would you buy a haunted house?
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 7:16 pm
by ricky1874
I probably would. I think it would be awesome to own a haunted house. Besides, if I own one I would be able to invite people over to investigate the house....and maybe able to make some money off of it haha
Re: Would you buy a haunted house?
Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 10:58 pm
by dave362
I don't think that I would. If I bought a haunted house it would stay on my mind all the time and cause me to be stressed out.
Re: Would you buy a haunted house?
Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 8:23 pm
by dottie
No I wouldn't buy a haunted house because I don't want to be haunted by evil spirits and be troubled by them. It would be very disturbing to live in one.
Re: Would you buy a haunted house?
Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2021 2:24 am
by rnastee
Of course I would. I would buy one----especially if it was at a good price. Just because I buy it doesn't mean that I have to live there. I would probably rent it out to someone else.
Re: Would you buy a haunted house?
Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 6:48 pm
by davidworth
I would. You could probably make alot of money either renting the house out or having tours there. But I couldn't see myself ever living there.
Re: Would you buy a haunted house?
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 4:03 am
by patrickwass
I would. I've always wanted to get into paranormal and ghost research. Buying a haunted house would be the perfect opportunity to study it.
Re: Would you buy a haunted house?
Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 2:15 pm
by dave23
I would if I had some extra money to spend on a extra house. I wouldn't stay there if I didn"t have to. I would probably set up cameras all over the house to observe paranormal activity
Re: Would you buy a haunted house?
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 12:12 am
by jasmine
If the house I am buying costs less because it is a "haunted house" I would definitely buy the house to save money, I do not believe in supernatural things as I have never experienced myself. However, if the haunted house cost as much as a normal house, why should I buy that house when the resell value will probably be much lower.
Re: Would you buy a haunted house?
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:04 am
by jesus721
No, I wouldn't. I would never buy a haunted house. Even if I didn't stay there, the spirits could still become attached to me and start haunting me