Bacteria found on asteroid was actually Earthly contamination

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Bacteria found on asteroid was actually Earthly contamination

Post by staarker »

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When scientists discovered water and a chemical compound common in RNA on a rock from the asteroid Ryugu, astronomy fans and laypeople alike held their collective breath for the chance of extraterrestrial life. As more evidence of microorganisms emerged, experts began to wonder if humans would soon learn life exists somewhere in the universe besides Earth.

A recent study in the journal Meteoritics and Planetary Science threw cold water on the idea — the microbes on Ryugu almost certainly came from Earth rather than outer space. They learned this because a sample from Ryugu, retrieved by the Hayabusa 2 mission 186 million miles from Earth, sent to Matthew Genge at Imperial College London was thoroughly tested for evidence of microbial life. None were found, indicating that the organic chemicals initially discovered were Earthly contaminants rather than indigenous to Ryugu. ... ts-report/

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Re: Bacteria found on asteroid was actually Earthly contamination

Post by mr_iqman »

This makes me think of a movie I saw years ago(I think it was Japanese) were roaches were dropped off on a planet and evolved over time to these super beings haha. Maybe if/when we find some intelligent life on another planet, it will actually be life we created.
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