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In Peru, 33 sheep were mysteriously killed

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 9:58 pm
by staarker
At the end of August, in a rural area of ​​Peru, someone or something very brutally massacred 33 adult sheep and lambs.

The authorities blame the puma, and the locals blame the Chupacabra and aliens. On the night of August 29, in the Peruvian province of Chincheros, in the district of Ocobamba, two farmers at once found their sheep killed in a savage manner.

Each had a deep hole in its head, and the lambs had their eyes removed. Later it turned out that many sheep also had their rectum removed.

First, farmer Emelia Ruiz Santos found 16 of her sheep lying dead on the ground outside the paddock where they had been at night.

Then another farmer, Segundina Quispe de Palomino, found 14 of her sheep killed in the same way.

Following complaints to the authorities, members of the Okobamba police station and civil defense officers from the municipality of Okobamba arrived in the area.

Coordination was carried out with the National Agricultural Health Service (Senasa) to assess the condition of the carcasses of the sheep and find out the details of the cause of their death.
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Okobamba County Mayor Henry Vilches Arango said the incident had a profound effect on the local population. He also confirmed that all the sheep had no wounds on their bodies other than holes in their heads.

“More than thirty sheep were killed at dawn. The reasons are still unknown. This situation has never actually happened in our area and it shocked the entire population,” he said.

Among the villagers, the news spread like wildfire and many began to blame the chupacabra – a mysterious predator that attacks animals and sucks their blood.

Others drew attention to the similarity of what happened in Okobamba with the phenomenon of cattle mutilation .

Both here and there, the eyes and anus are often removed from animals.

Later, Senasa representatives said that they examined the carcasses of the sheep and concluded that they did not die due to any disease, but due to the attack of a wild animal, probably a cougar.

“Lambs show traumatic brain injuries (holes) and **** lesions, as well as eye injuries (torn out), presumably caused by aggression or external injury from a wild animal (cougar), which are found in the Andean highlands near the said area.”

Cougars are indeed found in the area and have repeatedly attacked local pets in the past. But usually after their attacks on the bodies of animals, numerous traces of claws and fangs are found, and not a single puncture in the skull, as in this case. ... ly-killed/

Re: In Peru, 33 sheep were mysteriously killed

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 7:24 am
by jeremydeth
It's crazy how they keep blaming these bizarre attacks on wild animals. Really? Is a cougar going to chase sheep around to take out their eyes and anus? It would be better if they just said that they had no idea what happened.