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There Are ‘Lost Civilizations’ Under the Sea. Scientists Want to Find Them Before It’s Too Late

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2024 11:14 pm
by staarker
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“We know almost nothing” about ancient peoples whose lands were submerged by rising seas, scientists say, and we must investigate before it's impossible.

The remnants of some ancient human civilizations are currently lost beneath the sea, and scientists are rushing to find and study them before modern factors like coastal development makes it impossible.

As reported by Popular Mechanics last week, the University of Bradford in the U.K. recently received a grant worth roughly $12 million from the European Council to, as a press release put it, “hunt for lost civilizations beneath [the] Baltic and North Sea.” Researchers plan on using the latest technology, including AI, to map the seabed and search for prehistoric settlements that were submerged thousands of years ago when sea levels rose due to climate factors. ... s-too-late