Fossil of unknown animal that lived at least 50 million years BEFORE the dinosaurs is found by a high school teacher wal

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Fossil of unknown animal that lived at least 50 million years BEFORE the dinosaurs is found by a high school teacher wal

Post by staarker »

Fossil of unknown animal that lived at least 50 million years BEFORE the dinosaurs is found by a high school teacher walking her dog along the shore of eastern Canada

A high school teacher taking her dog for a walk along the shore of Prince Edward Island, Canada discovered fossilized remains of an unknown animal that walked the Earth 300 million years ago - about 50 million years earlier than the dinosaurs.

Lisa St. Coeur Cormier, 36, spotted something poking out from the reddish-colored dirt and at a closer glance, she realized it was a rib cage - and then she saw the attached and skull.

The fossil has not yet been identified, but John Calder, a geologist and paleontologist working on the case, suspects it is some type of lizard or a close relative. ... saurs.html

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