I think major world leaders are in a cult!

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I think major world leaders are in a cult!

Post by blaqcrow »

I know this sounds insane when you say it outside but so much of that has happened in the last 100 years makes me think of the old Templar Knights and the underground "leadership and influence" that swept through various cultures and nations. There are a lot of conspiracies that line up with this. Some say they are worshiping aliens, they are planning for the aliens to return, they are trying to force the end of days in the Bible, or they are lizard people! Either way, most of them seem to have ties to human trafficking and wanting to live forever - and they also all seem to agree that climate change is real and we need to depopulate the planet. Could it be just one big cult for rich people?

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Re: I think major world leaders are in a cult!

Post by ricky1874 »

This is not a new or crazy concept. A lot of people that I know believe either some or all of what you just wrote. Some people believe that's what the illuminati is. Although I don't believe all of it, I do believe there are forces that are playing a part in the direction of how some of the world and its societies are going.
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